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Python OOPs MCQ Questions and Answers | JavaInUse

Python OOPs MCQ Questions and Answers

Q. What is the fundamental concept behind Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)?

A. Encapsulation
B. Inheritance
C. Abstraction
D. Polymorphism

Q. What is a class in Python OOP?

A. A blueprint for creating objects
B. An instance of an object
C. A collection of functions
D. A data structure to store information

Q. How do you create an object from a class?

A. class_name(parameters)
B. class_name = object
C. object(class_name)
D. object = class_name()

Q. What is a constructor in Python OOP?

A. A method used to initialize an object
B. A method used to destroy an object
C. A method used to copy an object
D. A method used to return a value

Q. What is the purpose of the "__init__" method in a class?

A. To initialize the attributes of an object
B. To return a value from an object
C. To destroy an object and release resources
D. To copy the values of one object to another

Q. What is encapsulation in Python OOP?

A. Wrapping data and methods into a single unit
B. Hiding the internal details of an object
C. Defining the structure of a class
D. Creating a copy of an object

Q. How do you define a class attribute in Python?

A. Using the "self" keyword
B. Using the "class" keyword
C. Using the "@classattribute" decorator
D. Using the "static" keyword

Q. How do you define an instance attribute in Python?

A. Using the "self" keyword
B. Using the "instance" keyword
C. Using the "@instanceattribute" decorator
D. Using the "static" keyword

Q. What is inheritance in Python OOP?

A. The ability to create new classes based on existing classes
B. The process of hiding internal details of a class
C. The concept of bundling data and methods into a single unit
D. The ability to copy the values of one object to another

Q. What is a parent class in inheritance?

A. The class that inherits from another class
B. The class that is inherited by another class
C. The class that defines the common properties
D. The class that overrides the parent class methods

def calculate_average(numbers):
    total = sum(numbers)
    average = total / len(numbers)
    return average

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
avg = calculate_average(numbers)

Q. What is a child class in inheritance?

A. The class that inherits from another class
B. The class that is inherited by another class
C. The class that defines unique properties
D. The class that overrides parent class methods

Q. How do you achieve method overriding in Python OOP?

A. By defining a method with the same name in the child class
B. By using the "override" keyword
C. By calling the parent class method from the child class
D. By using the "@override" decorator

Q. What is polymorphism in Python OOP?

A. The ability of an object to take on different forms
B. The process of creating new classes from existing classes
C. The concept of bundling data and methods into a single unit
D. The ability to copy the values of one object to another

Q. What is abstraction in Python OOP?

A. The process of hiding internal details of an object
B. The ability to create new classes based on existing classes
C. The concept of defining a class with only essential details
D. The process of converting a class into an object

Q. What is the purpose of the "__str__" method in a class?

A. To return a string representation of an object
B. To initialize the attributes of an object
C. To destroy an object and release resources
D. To copy the values of one object to another