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Top Java 8 Interview Questions | JavaInUse

Java8 Interview Questions.

In this post we will look at Java8 questions. Examples are provided with explanation.

Q: What does it mean by Java8 supports Functional Programming?
Before Java 8 everything was mostly object oriented. Except primitives everything in java existed as objects
All calls to methods/functions are to be made using objects or class references.
Methods/Functions did not exist independently by itself.
With Java 8, functional programming has been introduced. So we can make use of anonymous functions. Java is a first-class object-oriented language. With the exception of primitive data types, everything in Java is an object. Even an array is an Object. Every class creates instances that are objects. There is no way of defining just a function / method which stays in Java all by itself. There is no way of passing a method as argument or returning a method body for that instance.

Q: What is MetaSpace in Java8? How does it differ from PermGen Space?
With JDK8, the permGen Space has been removed. So where will the metadata information be stored now? This metadata is now stored in a native memory are called as "MetaSpace". This memory is not a contiguous Java Heap memory. It allows for improvements over PermGen space in Garbage collection, auto tuning, concurrent de-allocation of metadata.

Differences between Java Meta Space and PermGen Space

Q: What is Lambda expressions?
With JDK8, the permGen Space has been removed. So where will the metadata information be stored now? This metadata is now stored in a native memory are called as "MetaSpace". This memory is not a contiguous Java Heap memory. It allows for improvements over PermGen space in Garbage collection, auto tuning, concurrent de-allocation of metadata.
Lambda Expression can be defined as an Anonymous Function that allows users to pass methods as arguments. This helps removes a lot of boilerplate code. Lambda Functions have no access modifiers(private, public or protected), no return type declaration and no name.
Lambda expressions let users pass "functions" to code. So we can write code more easily that we used to need a whole mess
of interfaces/abstract classes for. For example, suppose we have code that has some complex loop/conditional logic or workflow.
At one step we want to do something different. With lambda expressions, we can just pass in that "something different."

(arg1, arg2, arg3,...) -> { body }

Java 8 Lambda Expressions using example.

Q: What are Default Methods? Why are they need?
Default methods are the method defined in the interfaces with method body and using the default keyword. Thus we can add instance methods to the interfaces. Default method can call methods from the interfaces they are enclosed in. Also in default method, this keyword refers to the declaring interface.
Understanding the need for Default Methods

Q: What are advantages of lambda expression ?

A: Advantages of Lambda functions

  • Until Java 8 lists and sets were typically processed by client code obtaining an iterator from the collection, then using that to iterate over its elements and process each in turn. If the processing of different elements is to proceed in parallel, it was the responsibility of the client code, not the collection, to organise this.
    Java 8 makes it easier to distribute processing of collections over multiple threads.
    Collections can now organise their own iteration internally, transferring responsibility for parallelisation from client code into library code.
  • Fewer lines of code. As explained above the user has to only declare what is to be done in a declarative way.
    n -> System.out.println("Hello World " + n);
    So user has to type reduced amount of code.
  • Using Java 8 Lambda expressions higher efficiency can be achieved. Using CPUs with multicores, user can take advantage of the multicore CPU’s by parallel processing of collections using lambda.
Java 8 Lambda Expressions using example.

Q: Explain Java 8-Internal vs. External Iteration?
  • External Iterators- This Iterator is also known as active iterator or explicit iterator. For this type of iterator the control over iteration of elements is with the programmer. Which means that the programmer define when and how the next element of iteration is called.
  • Internal Iterators- This Iterator is also known as passive iterator, implicit iterator or callback iterator. For this type of iterator the control over the iteration of elements lies with the iterator itself. The programmer only tells the iterator "What operation is to be performed on the elements of the collection". Thus the programmer only declares what is to be done and does not manage and control how the iteration of individual elements take place.
Differences between Java 8-Internal vs. External Iteration using example

Q: Explain Java 8-Intermediate operations vs. Terminal operations?
Stream operations can be divided in two parts-
  • Intermediate operations- Intermediate operations which return another Stream which allows operations to be connected in a form of a query
  • Terminal operations- Terminal operations produces a non-stream, result such as primitive value, a collection or no value at all.

Differences between Java 8-Intermediate operations vs. Terminal operations using example

Q: What is a functional interface ?
  • @FunctionalInterface is a new interface added in Java 8 .
    It indicates that the interface is to be used as a functional interface.
    package com.javainuse;
    public interface Greetings {
    	public void sayHello(String name);

    This annotation is optional. Even if not annotated with @FunctionalInterface, an interface can still be used as a functional interface.
  • The interface for which we are writing the lambda function should have only a single method. if more than one method is specified for an interface annotated with we get a compiler exception
    Invalid '@FunctionalInterface' annotation; Greetings is not a functional interface
Java 8 Functional Interface

Q: What is :: (double colon) operator-Method References in Java 8?
Usually we use lambda expressions to create anonymous methods which return us the desired output. But sometimes lambda expressions do nothing but call an existing method. Because this lambda expression calls an existing method, method reference can be used here instead of Lambda function. Method reference is described using :: (double colon) symbol.
Java 8 :: (double colon) operator-Method References using example.

Q: What is Optional in Java 8?
Java 8 introduced a new container class java.util.Optional<T>. It wraps a single value, if that value is available. If the value is not available an empty optional should be returned. Thus it represents null value with absent value. This class has various utility methods like isPresent() which helps users to avoid making use of null value checks. So instead of returning the value directly, a wrapper object is returned thus users can avoid the null pointer exception.
Java 8 Optional using example.

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