NoSQL Quiz - MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions
Q. What is NoSQL?
A. A type of SQL databaseB. A non-relational database technology that allows for flexible schema design and scalability
C. A programming language used to query SQL databases
D. None of the above
Q. What are the main types of NoSQL databases?
A. Key-Value, Document, Graph, and RelationalB. Key-Value, Document, Graph, and Object-Oriented
C. Key-Value, Tabular, Graph, and Document
D. Relational, Object-Relational, Document-Oriented, and Graph
Q. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a NoSQL database?
A. Improved performance for large datasetsB. Support for complex transactions
C. Flexible schema design
D. Scalability to handle high volumes of data
Q. Which NoSQL database type is best suited for social networking applications?
A. Key-ValueB. Document
C. Graph
D. Object-Oriented
Q. Which NoSQL database type is best suited for storing and retrieving JSON documents?
A. Key-ValueB. Document
C. Graph
D. Object-Oriented
Q. What is data denormalization, and why is it commonly used in NoSQL databases?
A. Combining multiple tables into a single table to reduce join operationsB. Storing redundant data to improve read performance
C. Splitting a large table into multiple smaller tables
D. Converting a relational database into a NoSQL database
Q. What is CAP theorem, and what are its implications for NoSQL databases?
A. It states that a distributed system can only guarantee two out of three properties: Consistency, Availability, and Partition toleranceB. It proves that a distributed database can always provide strong consistency and availability
C. It ensures that a distributed system can handle network partitions without losing data
D. It guarantees that a distributed database will always be consistent and partition-tolerant
Q. What is sharding in the context of NoSQL databases?
A. The process of splitting a database into multiple smaller databasesB. A technique for replicating data across multiple servers
C. A method for distributing data evenly across a cluster of machines
D. A way to ensure data consistency across multiple data centers
Q. What is a document database?
A. A database that stores data in tables with rows and columnsB. A database that uses a hierarchical model to organize data
C. A database that stores semi-structured data as documents
D. A database that models data as objects and their relationships
Q. What is eventual consistency in NoSQL databases?
A. A consistency model where all replicas eventually have the same dataB. A guarantee that all writes will be immediately visible to all reads
C. A property ensuring that all writes are applied in the same order on all replicas
D. A technique to ensure strong consistency by blocking reads until writes are complete