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Top Helm Charts (2024) Interview Questions | JavaInUse

Top Helm Charts frequently asked interview questions.

In this post we will look at Helm Charts Interview questions. Examples are provided with explanations.

  1. What are Helm Charts?
  2. What is the Folder Structure of Helm Chart?
  3. Which of the different types of fields needed to be specified for dependencies in Helm Chart?
  4. How can we create Helm Charts?
  5. What is Helm?
  6. How does Helm work?
  7. What are the concepts used in Helm?
  8. How can we install a specific Chart version in Helm?
  9. How can we set multiple values with Helm?
  10. How does Helm update Kubernetes?
  11. How do we list all the available charts under a Helm Repo?
  12. How do we validate Helm Chart content?
  13. How can we uninstall Helm Chart on a specific resource?

What are Helm Charts?

Helm Charts is used for combining all the Kubernetes YAML Manifests in a single package which can also be advertised to our Kubernetes Cluster.Once we install Helm CHart in our cluster it is easy as running one single helm, that simplifies the deployment of the containerized Applications.

Helm Charts

What is the Folder Structure of Helm Chart?

Folder Structure of the Helm Charts are as follows:
  • Chart.yaml contains all the information about the charts.
  • LICENSE used in containing the License for the chart.
  • is a readable file.
  • values.yaml used in configuring the values for the chart.
  • values.schema.json is a schema used in imposing the structure of values.yaml file.
  • charts/ used in containing charts which are depends on this chart.
  • crds/ is a custom resource definition.
  • templates/ are used in combining directory of templates with the values and in generating valid kubernetes manifest files.
  • templates/NOTES.txt used in containing Short Usage Notes.

Which of the different types of fields needed to be specified for dependencies in Helm Chart?

Different types of fields needed are as follows:

How can we create Helm Charts?

We can create charts by using a specific structure.We need to use the command OUR-CHART-NAME for creating a Helm Chart.
 - .helmignore
- Chart.yaml
- values.yaml
- charts/
- templates/

What is Helm?

Helm is used as a package manager which helps in running atop Kubernetes and allowing the application structure through convenient Helm Chart, also managed with simple commands.

How does Helm work?

Helm is used in deploying charts as a package application, they are a collection of our pre configured application resources that can be deployed as a unit.We can deploy another version of its charts with different sets of configuration.

Helm Charts

What are the concepts used in Helm?

Concepts used by Helm are:
Chart - It is a package consists of pre configured Kubernetes Resources.
Release - It is an instance that can be deployed to the Cluster with the help of Helm.
Repository - It is a group of charts that are available for others.

How can we install a specific Chart version in Helm?

We can use Prometheus in installing a specific chart version:
helm install -f source/prometheus/values.yaml prometheus --name source --namespace --version 6.7.4

How can we set multiple values with Helm?

We can set multiple values by using the following helm command:
helm install--set favoriteFood=junk./mychart

How does Helm updates Kubernetes?

Helm updates Kubernetes clusters by using the command given:
helm upgrades -d ingress-controller/values.yml nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress

How do we list all the available charts under a Helm Repo?

We can list all the charts by using the following command:
helm search repo [namespace]

How do we validate Helm Chart content?

We can validate Helm Chart contents by using the following command:
helm install --abcd --debug ./mychart

How can we uninstall Helm Chart on specific resource?

We can uninstall Helm Chart by using the following command, we should not use slash(/) in the command:
$ helm delete redis --example

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