Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is an encryption system used for both sending encrypted emails and encrypting sensitive files. Since its invention back in 1991, PGP has become the de facto standard for email security. It is often used to encrypt and decrypt texts, emails, and files to increase the security of emails. PGP encryption uses a mix of data compression, hashing, and public-key cryptography. It also uses symmetric and asymmetric keys to encrypt data that is transferred across networks. It combines features of private and public key cryptography. Each step uses a different algorithm, and each public key is associated with a username and an email address
This tool generates Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) public key as well as the private key of sizes - 512 bit, 1024 bit, 2048 bit for both the sender and the receiver.
The String which is to be encrypted using PGP Encryption
The sender email id which was used during key creation and will be used for PGP Encryption
The sender comment which was used during key creation and will be used for PGP Encryption
The generated sender public key which we generated above in Key Generation will be used for PGP Encryption
The generated sender private key which we generated above in Key Generation will be used for PGP Encryption
The receiver comment which was used during key creation and will be used for PGP Encryption
The generated receiver public key which we generated above in Key Generation will be used for PGP Encryption
The PGP Encrypted String which we want to decrypt
The receiver comment which was used during key creation and will be used for PGP Decryption
The generated receiver public key which we generated above in Key Generation will be used for PGP Decryption
The generated receiver private key which we generated above in Key Generation will be used for PGP Decryption
The sender mail id which was used during key creation and will be used for PGP Decryption
The generated sender public key which we generated above in Key Generation will be used for PGP Decryption
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Workflow